Compel to chip and have veterinary control to the horses pulling carriages
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Mayor of Naples
I found myself on Via Duomo in Naples, a carriage with a white horse with small black dots. The driver was making arrangements with the tourists. He told me that the horse departs from the stables of S. Giovanni to Teduccio and arrives in the city and then goes around the promenade to Piazza Vittoria. The horse works and then returns tired to S. Giovanni to Teduccio.
I want these horses to be monitored and chipped, since they work without stopping until exhaustion. How many horses we have seen collapsed in the street dying of fatigue and nobody cares. The control will prevent the inhuman exploitation of the animal. The starting stable, since the floats are now three or four, could be offered in the royal palace in Piazza Plebiscito or Capodimonte.
It is necessary to avoid that the owners send the horses that are no longer used to drag the floats to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse.
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