Community cats on my street urgently need protection from the Law!
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Governor Fernando Pimentel and 4 more
The communal cats in my street are not receiving the support of the Law and the protection of justice! There are about eleven animals, belonging to a neighbor who passed away. Since then I have taken care of them, providing them with water and food every day. A simple gesture that I do with a lot of love, that began to be compromised by the evil of the neighborhood that is in plot against the permanence of the animals and my act of feeding them.
I have contacted by telephone with the Specialized Police in Investigation of Crimes against the Fauna of Minas Gerais, for the protection of the cats and to take measures such as the installation of a signal in the place where the food with the number of the Law that Protects animals from the community, as well as the sending of notifications so that the neighbors of the neighborhood are aware of the laws that protect the animals, the crimes considered ill-treatment and their respective punishments, to act the conscientization and if it does not act , The case is referred to the Public Ministry for the opening of legal action. Unfortunately, the Delegation denied it and said that they will only interfere in case of death or poisoning, which is very unfair.
Felines continue to be harassed and threatened by neighbors, and they multiply daily, as well as the risks they run, due to the lack of castration. If Law 21,970 is respected these cats would have already been collected in the terms of art. 5, sterilized, identified and returned to the community of origin by the competent body.
Through this petition, I want to ask that the Law be fulfilled. Community animals should be protected. There are awareness campaigns. That with the support of the City Council, the animals be castrated, they recover, by then, return to the community of origin or be given for adoption. These are responsibilities that belong to the Public Power, the Municipality and the State and can not be deposited only on the shoulders of the protectors, sympathizers to the animal cause and NGOs.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.