Captive animals have a life of suffering and in many cases are injected with different substances so that viewers can enter the cages and take pictures sitting on top of them, as they do with lions and tigers.
They are not in their natural habitat and develop unusual behaviors. Others are forced to perform acts that go against their nature, such as in the Lujan Zoo, where lions are sedated for visitors to have their photo.
They are mistreated, beaten, badly fed, enclosed 24 hours in small cages, without contact with other animals of their species in many cases. Let us not allow the mistreatment to which they are subjected, we think that they deserve to live in freedom.
My petition is for the Government of Argentina to enact a Law to close all zoos and animals to be transferred to sanctuaries where they can live the rest of their lives in freedom.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.