Close the sale of animals in the Sonora Market
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Head of Government of Mexico City Miguel Ángel Mancera and 1 more
Because there is a lot of animal abuse, I spent the other day there and saw how they carried goats in tiny boxes without being able to move and they are sold to witch doctors. Those goats are going to be sold to make them abominable things, as well as any sale of any animal because they have them in terrible conditions, locked in small cages, surrounded by urine and feces, going hungry and thirsty, many of them sick and injured by the abuse they suffer.
The Sonora Market enjoys the immunity of the authorities and citizens who hide and close their eyes before the atrocities that occur daily. So we could fight the violence that the animals suffer in this place, it will be able to save the lives of thousands of beings who have no voice, but who have us, so I ask you to help me to collect signatures to close this den of abuse and vexation of animals.
No more mistreatment, no more harassment, no more sale of animals in the Sonora Market.
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