Close the bullrings and to definitively prohibit with jail and fines bullfights, bullfights, mounts, exploitation and consumption
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: His Majesty the King of Spain and 3 more
The European Parliament proposes to prohibit bullfighting in Spain
The promoter of the petition assures that the bullfighting celebrations "are not part of the Spanish tradition".
Bullfighting could be definitively abolished if the initiative to be debated soon by the European Parliament at the request of an activist in favor of animal rights prospers.
His request has been met after a year of waiting, but his action has had the end that it had: the European institutions will debate for the first time a formal proposal aimed at the abolition of bullfighting.
According to the activist, "the bullfights and other festivities are neither, nor have they ever been part of the Spanish culture", so he wanted to impose the end of all the shows that end with the death of the bull.
"This is the first application of this style admitted for processing"
The activist affirms that the party is completely anachronistic, since, in his opinion, "man has gone from domesticating or eating an animal to enslaving him and many of us think that this is unacceptable in the 21st century". For all these reasons, it considers that the social climate is currently more favorable to the prosperity of this type of initiatives "The protection of animal welfare is a growing concern at the beginning of this new millennium".
Now, the person who has submitted this request is excited, since he has managed to make everything prosper without having any infrastructure behind or any support. And after big organizations like PACMA have tried to do the same for a whole decade and without any success.
The difference of this petition with the previous ones, part of which is trying to demonstrate that the bullfighting festivities are not an eminently Spanish tradition, but were a mass entertainment throughout the Old Continent, abolished during the Age of the Enlightenment.
Does not comply with international agreements
"The European Parliament will be in charge of debating this proposal"
In addition, the promoter of the initiative is trying to dismantle all the arguments that are used to protect this tradition. One of them, since it is endorsed by UNESCO, is that bullfighting "does not enjoy acceptance and does not generate pride in most citizens of the countries and cities in which it takes place, which was clearly manifested through its prohibition in Catalonia and the Canary Islands ".
He also wanted to ensure that other types of International Agreements are being violated, such as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1959, as in article 10, which states "the right to be raised in a spirit of understanding, tolerance and friendship" . Something they see violated in the suffering of animals.
In addition, the initiative puts the focus on the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, which is breached from the beginning: "Every animal has the right to respect." Or "Man, as an animal species, can not claim the right to exterminate other animals or to exploit them, violating that right".
After being admitted for processing, the request of this activist will be complexly debated in session of the European Parliament to decide if, finally, the bullfighting festivities are declared illegal.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.