Close puppy mills in Spain

Close puppy mills in Spain

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Close puppy mills in Spain

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more

Because it is an aberration, anyone should not buy animals since people with little heart abandon them and there are too many for adoption. Taking animals out of their habitat for sale or illegal breeding is deplorable and can be claimed. We must report animal abuse, illegal breeding and should not make money with animals.

The bad treatment that the animals suffer in the factories of puppies is terrible, the bitches are put to give birth all their life until they serve no more and they kill them. Most puppies are born with congenital diseases, are not vaccinated and many die locked in cages or after being sold, in the hands of their new owners who spend fortunes in veterinarians to be able to save them.

We must put an end to this business that causes so much suffering to animals, dies of thousands, and we are responsible for ending this.


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Reasons for signing

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