Change Ordinance to avoid complaints for releasing our dogs

Change Ordinance to avoid complaints for releasing our dogs

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Change Ordinance to avoid complaints for releasing our dogs

Addressed to: Municipality of Logroño

Dog owners are pretty upset about taking our dogs loose at certain times only to run a little, enjoy and let off steam. Always picking up the feces and so much of them, that's why they would not have to persecute us so much when we take them out for a walk.

The Local Police pursues this type of situation in order to the municipal ordinances that say that the dogs cannot be released more than in certain surrounded zones. The problem is that not everyone lives in areas where there is one of these special areas. The only thing we intend is that we do not get lost, that we are not pursued, and that we are not denounced just for carrying dogs when they are not aggressive, with the proper responsibility of the owner of his dog, knowing that we can let them go without any damage, picking up our shits.

We want to stop being fined for releasing our dogs at certain times, since it seems to me an abuse and a persecution. They have a hard hand against dog owners, but there are much more serious things that should be punished with the same firmness.

Please sign and share if you agree. We need your help to stop this persecution.


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