Carry out an educational campaign at the level of children, youth, students in general

Carry out an educational campaign at the level of children, youth, students in general

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Carry out an educational campaign at the level of children, youth, students in general

Addressed to: Minister of Education Freddy Peñafiel and 2 more

So you really become aware of what it means to have a pet, care, food, protection and rights. That they are part of the family and should never be abandoned, left in the street, as if they were garbage. That they should not receive any kind of mistreatment, because being part of the family, they have the right to be loved, cared for, fed, sterilized, taken to the vet, vaccinated, etc.

We need to raise awareness in our children so that when they grow up they not become animals abusers, so they do not abandon them or believe that it is okay to play with their lives. We need our children to learn to love animals, and to know that they are our peers, our fellow beings, part of our families.

For animal education campaigns at all levels of education in the country.


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Reasons for signing

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