Care for and protect the life of these animals
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of the City of Mexico
Because they are part of the Mexico City fauna and are not harmful. They are defenseless and calm marsupials, with nocturnal habits, so they do not disturb anyone, they do not transmit rabies or any danger to any "human", both cacomixcles and opossums. They live near C.U. and when they are confused with rodents ignorant and disrespect to living beings people kill them.
The Tlacuaches are one of the few animals that preserve their native names, granted by Native Americans. The Mexican name "tlacuache" is derived from the Nahuatl tlacuatzin, which means "the little one that eats fire". Being an animal that does not mess with anyone, it should be considered as an example to follow and, added that it is a true living fossil, should be respected, admired and protected by its great cultural and ecological value. The next time you see one walking down the street or your garden, you might think that maybe it's Yaushu, the tlacuache that gave the men fire and thanks to him, we can cook our food and warm up.
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