Calling on artists to take a stand to moderate current tensions
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: President Emmanuel Macron and 1 more
We, the artists, are 99% affected by the increases in taxes, gasoline and more. We are all in solidarity with the yellow vests. We are also aware of the imperative need to preserve the planet through many measures that will force us to change the model.
We, the artists and responsible citizens of this country, ask the government to understand, to measure the situation and to take quickly the decisions that are necessary for the poor, for social peace and to continue the measures for the protection of our planet.
In the current difficult social situation, we strongly condemn the irresponsible or opportunists who incite in a direct or veiled way the escalation of violence: individuals, politicians, media, social networks, states.
We invite all individuals, groups, professionals, students, with claims (that we all have) to be careful before manifesting at this time. The situation is escaping to the yellow vests: several deaths, hundreds of wounded, considerable damages and a situation of tension and increasing violence.
This conflict can be resolved without war, by negotiation!
We invite the "active" yellow vests to designate and federate with true neutral and informed representatives that will be able to defend their ideas and requests.
We call for moderation, appeasement and the responsibility of all.
Jérôme Clochard Artist
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.