Better maintenance of trees in the streets

Better maintenance of trees in the streets

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Better maintenance of trees in the streets

Addressed to: Area of Infrastructures and Accessibility of the City Council of Palma de Mallorca

Every day is more the number of people who reject the fact of planting large trees in the streets, as that causes deformities on the sidewalks. Another consequence of this is the fall of branches that do not have enough maintenance.

People with reduced mobility have a harder time moving through the streets, branches of such proportions are reached that endanger the life of any person, they can break cars, houses, etc. In Palma, for example, there have already been 14 fall of branches causing 2 dead and 3 injured in 2017. One of the solutions would be to plant smaller trees since their roots and branches are smaller, and the trees already planted can be reused for other things like firewood, paper, to make playgrounds, furniture, etc.

In the event that readers agree, we would appreciate it if you could vote in order to present this petition to the Palma City Council (Infrastructure and Accessibility Area).


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