Ban the sanguinary Yulin Festival

Ban the sanguinary Yulin Festival

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Ban the sanguinary Yulin Festival

Addressed to: Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China.

As a Uruguayan citizen belonging to a small country from the geographical point of view but with a rich history imbued with altruistic examples, inspired by Christian religious beliefs and the humanist doctrine of famous compatriots, currently with a marked leftist government that maintains diplomatic relations and commercial with the People's Republic of China, I feel a deep pain and great disgust at the slaughter and consumption of thousands of dogs and cats at the Yulín Festival that takes place from June 21 to 30 to commemorate the summer solstice.

I believe that the most deeply rooted feelings of compassion are hurt by violently ending so cruelly "the best friend of man" that has always accompanied him throughout history in multiple tasks highly beneficial to the human species. It moves the horrendous sacrifice of beating them to death, cooking them alive with blowtorches or submerging them in containers containing boiling oil.

I understand that peoples must preserve their traditions as long as they do not quarrel with reason and piety, fundamental values ​​that must identify the civilized human race. I appeal to the authority that has its position and to the human sensitivity that characterizes it to end this macabre festival that in no way dignifies those who participate in it.


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