Ban the sale of rhinoceros horns in South Africa
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Constitutional Court of South Africa and 1 more
The South African Constitutional Court has legalized the sale of rhinoceros horns by rejecting a government appeal to maintain the ban. South Africa declared illegal sale of rhinoceros horn in the country in 2009, but the High Court overturned the ban in 2015. The Government then appealed the decision of the Supreme before the Constitutional, which has ratified the sentence.
We can not leave or allow suffering with our ambition that has dominated us every day. The rhinos could be extinct in a few years, so I will not let them do this act that can kill the animals.
This year poachers have killed more than 1,000 specimens in the country. So I ask you to help me by signing this petition.
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