Ban the horse-drawn carts in the city

Ban the horse-drawn carts in the city

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Ban the horse-drawn carts in the city

Addressed to: Mayor and Municipal Council of Resistencia

The circulation of chariots in the city represents a real danger for the life of the animals, and the life and goods of the inhabitants. There are permanent claims that are not attended by the authorities. There are also hundreds of complaints from animal protection organizations about the treatment and condition of animals. Let’s do something for the government to ban horse-drawn carts.

The mistreatment of horses in most cases leads to death, but not without spending a lifetime of suffering, beatings and torture. They have no rest, receive little food and drag heavy trucks between vehicles, causing accidents to be a danger to both horses and people.

We must prohibit once and for all the horse-drawn carts, we must not allow that they kill them before our eyes.


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Reasons for signing

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