Ban once with the greyhound races, rodeos and lassoing
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: President Tabaré Vázquez and 1 more
We must end the greyhound races, because it is terrible what they do to the dogs for the races, they supply drugs, they make them train too much, many to death, and when they do not serve them, they are murdered. The rodeos are horrible, as they puncture with spurs, punish them and when thrown to the ground they kick and pull them of the mane. The lassoing make them tumbling until falling and that in many occasions the animal fractures some member, reason why it has to be sacrificed.
Let's not allow this, we must fight against animal abuse, against people who profit from the suffering of animals. Laws against animal abuse are what we need, laws that imprison animal killers and abusers.
Sign to finish with greyhounds races, rodeos and lassoing, let's end with animal abuse.
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