Ban Bullfighting Activities

Ban Bullfighting Activities

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Ban Bullfighting Activities

Addressed to: Government of Peru

Because it is an activity where cruelty to animals is used as a diversion and integrity of human beings it is also exposed.

It hurts us deeply to see the bull bleeding, exhausted, knowing it will die in the hands of unscrupulous people who just want to profit from its suffering, because this is not an art, this is just a business for a few.

There are no solid arguments to defend the bullfights, so we always end up talking about tradition, but also at one time slavery was legal, and not so today we continue to allow such acts of abuse toward people, as we should not allow the animal abuse either.

We cannot continue to allow abuse as a way of life for some people, we cannot allow profiting from the suffering of another living being. That is why I humbly ask the Government of Peru to definitely ban bullfighting activities of all kinds throughout the national territory.


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