Ban blood drive in Uruguay
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Because the horses suffer a lot in the street, they mistreat them, they carry them with many kilos of weight, they work many hours in the street, they do not protect them from the cold, nor from the heat and they do not protect them from the rain.
Horses are continually beaten by their owners in order to make them walk, so that they surrender more than their tired bodies can render. They do not feed them properly or let them rest long enough. This torture is repeated every day of their lives, and nobody does anything for them.
I wish I did not see them any more on the street. I would like to see them grazing in the field, with other horses, happy with the life they have. I would like to ban all kinds of blood traction throughout the country, we are more sensitive to the suffering of animals.
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