Avoid animal cruelty and avoid cruel captivity of puppies

Avoid animal cruelty and avoid cruel captivity of puppies

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Avoid animal cruelty and avoid cruel captivity of puppies

Addressed to: Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation

It is important to avoid the captivity of exotic animals since these illegal practices make animals suffer a lot, it is not fair that they suffer so much just for a few to benefit financially or have fun.

The puppy Kira who was found wandering in Ecatapec, in the State of Mexico, was cruelly tortured.

I ask that the authorities of the Supreme Court of the Nation and the Chamber of Deputies punish those who mistreated Kiro with life imprisonment if possible.

May the case of this puppy be an example of a judicial sanction to prevent future abuse.

Maximum sentence in prison and financially for those who abuse such defenseless animals in this way.

His size is not a normal puppy size, this specimen has suffered a lot and those who mistreated him need to pay for what they did and the punishment should be an example to avoid suffering just for fun or money.

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