Asphalt, security, sewers and running water URGENT!

Asphalt, security, sewers and running water URGENT!

people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Asphalt, security, sewers and running water URGENT!

Addressed to: Mayor of Moreno Walter Festa

The streets of Mariló, for example Pedro Echagüe, are completely impassable. No ambulances or firefighters enter, less police patrol cars. On rainy days it is impossible to leave the houses since there are no sidewalks. The misery is noticeable in every corner, alcohol, drugs, robberies, is "the impenetrable" of Moreno. Nobody cares, total, can not be seen.

Intendant Festa, stop stealing and asphalt the streets, put gas and running water! They passed the sewers, they broke everything and they did not connect them !!!!!

The canine overpopulation is in total state of abandonment, this situation is shameful, scabies, bicheras and all kinds of diseases.

Urgent!!!!! An authority must came here!!!!!


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