Approve the Law of life imprisonment
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Addressed to: President of the Senate Mauricio Lizcano and 1 more
Every hour in our country a child is being sexually abused and we want and demand that the Congress of the Republic approve the Law of life imprisonment for child molesters. As a mother we demand that the Law be approved and be made aware of the human rights of children.
Since the news of the torture, rape and death of Yuliana Sanboni, seven years old, several senators began to propose proposals to toughen the sentences of those who commit this type of crime, along with chemical castration, a sanction that has already been implemented. in other countries and that consists of hormonal inhibition of sexual desire.
Others asked for life imprisonment for rapists and therefore the president of the Senate, Mauricio Lizcano, will file a draft legislative act to impose the maximum penalty on rapists and murderers of minors under the name of Ley Yuliana.
Initiatives of this type have been presented in previous years but, after stocking the debates, they have sunk on three occasions. That is why the senators trust that this case will prompt the discussion and, finally, be approved.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.