Approve the animal protection law in Cuba
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Government of Cuba and 1 more
In my country at this time we need more than ever an animal protection law. Anyone who lives here will be able to tell you that he or she witnesses at least once a day of an animal abuse situation, beginning because the coachmen are given colloquially those who use a horse to transport people in the city or the countryside , these characters not only do not feed their animals well, but repeatedly charge them more, the horse must not only carry a car made of metal and wood, but must also carry 9 people counting the coachman, sometimes even more depending on whether there is no one to control them, and then they are beaten with metal bars to run with all that weight on top, under a sun or rain, with temperatures of sometimes up to more than 35 degrees, and if the animal he succumbs to the ground, still beating him, knowing that he can't get up, pregnant mares have been beaten and forced to work until they give birth, they are used to load building materials, removals, under a prec abysmal aridity.
And the latest and most brutal a new type of illegal competition that has emerged that is called Horses forcibly, in this competition two carts are fixed in the back, looking in opposite directions and several individuals hit the horses with sticks and tubes for that they pull, until either of them is dragged by the other.
These are just some of the things you see every day, I wonder how far we will go if we don't do something now.
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