Approval of Bill 60 / 2017- Prohibition of animal exposition in Pet Shops and regulation of pet breeding sites
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Councilors of the city of Londrina
We need to satisfy the aspirations of a society that evolves and no longer supports the treatment that many have towards non-human animals, as science has even shown that animals are sentient beings, that is, that they have the capacity to feel like animals Human beings, therefore, must stop being treated as mere objects or things and have the due respect as SENTIENT BEINGS that they are.
In the case of non-human animals as Sensitive Beings, it is understood that lives should not be sold, much less exposed in establishments as if they were objects, locked in cages, cutting off their inherent behaviour, exposing, in addition to everything, their integrity, generating suffering, pain, anguish and physical and psychological disorders.
In the case of purchases in Pet Shops most of the time is done by impulse, which fatally ends in future abandonment, having then the Municipality, through the Public Power, having to carry the responsibility of that abandoned life, coming from the irresponsibility of others.
It is up to the Public Power to promote prevention and awareness. The laws must have the double function, preventive and punitive, until the society does not need more of it to orient itself, and it corresponds to the Legislative Power to promote those alterations when a society cries out for such important and necessary adjustments.
We know that animal breeders are the ones that benefit from the current situation, making it clear that we are a society, coexisting with illegality, irregularity, clandestinity and often even with violence and crimes practiced so that this trade exists. ENOUGH!
Photo credits: Jefferson Coppola / VEJA
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