Animal shelter for stray dogs
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!
Addressed to: Lcdo. Ramsses Torres - Mayor of Guaranda
Our beloved city of Guaranda has been immersed in the proliferation of animals, especially stray dogs, who by their irresponsible owners have to wander the streets of the city. The lack of regulations for animal owners and the lack of municipal ordinances that regulate it, has easily allowed the dogs to be helpless in the streets, hungry, under inclement weather, subjected to mistreatment of the people and seen as hotbeds of infection.
In addition to not being properly cared, the canine reproduction increases. As a citizen I fervently ask to the City Hall to take action on the matter, we do not mistreat or disappear them, we want a sanctuary of life well organized, where they can live fully, well cared, well fed, with all veterinary controls they need, full of love, like all living beings deserve.
Also penalties for owners who do not properly care for them, that abandon them on the streets or abandon them, and that is established through an ordinance due care for these animals are included, if they are abandoned they have a place where they can be treated with dignity.
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