Animal protection law for Podencos and Greyhounds

Animal protection law for Podencos and Greyhounds

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Animal protection law for Podencos and Greyhounds

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more

Whoever makes the law cheats... Now it is Podencos and Greyhounds who have to fight to be treated the same as other pets.

That wouldn't happen if hunting was illegal.

Agriculture is committed to removing hunting dogs from the Animal Welfare Law.

The MAPAMA wants to promote the drafting of its own regulations for hunting dogs and rehalas that adapts to their circumstances and the activity for which they are used, given the "specificities" that "differentiate them from domestic animals"

Signature to prevent Podencos and Greyhounds from being left without an animal protection law.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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