An urgent tricycle is needed to rescue stray dogs

An urgent tricycle is needed to rescue stray dogs

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

An urgent tricycle is needed to rescue stray dogs

Addressed to: Mayor of Montevideo

We need this urgently to be able to go rescue to castrate the stray dogs, or to go look for some collaboration for the animals of the street. We can not buy it in cash, but I know that it can be financed through the Intendancy. We also need this favor apart from the previous petition of the place in loan to keep our rescued animals.

We are three defenders of animals that we join because we can not do it alone, we have from 60 years onwards. We need some help, thank you very much.

Sign friends and thanks to all, the tricycle can be financed in accessible installments, we will eat less if necessary. Share and sign please all over the world even if it is for Uruguay.

Your signature helps us.


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Reasons for signing

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