Amend the Laws, we want more punishments to animal abusers and killers

Amend the Laws, we want more punishments to animal abusers and killers

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Amend the Laws, we want more punishments to animal abusers and killers

Addressed to: Federal government

Because every day we see many cases of animal abuse and violence. If the Law grants severe penalties, they can lower the statistics considerably because there will be fewer abusers and murderers on the streets.

It is fair that they be given the category of sentient living beings, animals deserve it. Mexico must change its ideology and respect animals.

We need jail for several years for murderers and high fines for those who abandon or mistreat animals, as well as regulate the sale of animals and support for shelters.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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