Allow veterinarians to continue protecting the health of pets or affectionate animals that accompany us

Allow veterinarians to continue protecting the health of pets or affectionate animals that accompany us

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Allow veterinarians to continue protecting the health of pets or affectionate animals that accompany us

Addressed to: Army General Raúl Castro

Because they prevent our pets from getting sick and from dying. There is no contradiction in the professional activity that they carry out with rigor and responsibility. The creation of specialized places closer to our surroundings has been lacking and the DMVZ has provided us with peace of mind, guidance on how to prevent diseases, as well as the type of food to eat. Not to mention their performance even without the right products to avoid contagion if they mix with other pets.

Always ready to listen to us at any time and give a timely and adequate solution. There has been no spirit of profit, extortion or exploitation. They are carriers of love, contrary to the rejection and repulsion that other people manifest. Highly qualified and ethical professionals.


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Reasons for signing

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