Allow pets to travel with their owners, the consequences can be tragic if is not done properly

Allow pets to travel with their owners, the consequences can be tragic if is not done properly

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Allow pets to travel with their owners, the consequences can be tragic if is not done properly

Addressed to: International Civil Aviation Organization

Many do not conceive of being able to travel without our pets, since they are like an extension of ourselves ... we reclaim that right of being able to share the trips with them. Being all safe, quiet and obviously TOGETHER, there is no one better than us to calm them down. To put them in cages, in asphyxiating places, and with a huge noise like the engine of an airplane, puts them at the risk of serious diseases and even deaths (as so many sad cases had).

For all those who already know that it is impossible to travel quietly if we know that our pet is alone, caged, scared, confused, passing thirst and hunger, and stuck to the engine of a plane, stunned, and surely in anxiety crisis, with physical symptoms Worrying ... it is not fair that they allow themselves to travel in the passenger cabin to small pets and not to large pets. The love of our pets is not measured by their size. Aviation companies should have at least two days a month where they allow the trip to large pets along with their owners, who are the best voice to calm them and help them during the journey that sometimes lasts long hours.

For an indifferent owner it is more comfortable to leave him in his cage terrified by the deafening engine of the plane, while he travels without anguish indifferent to what his pet is suffering. For one who loves his pet almost like himself, that will be a desperate torture for both. A trip full of worry and that can have tragic consequences (there are several cases of dead animals to be moved in this way so insensitive and not appropriate for their health).

We demand, expect and demand that practical solutions be sought for such a problem. We would all travel more peacefully and the aviation companies would have the benefit of more tickets to collect! ... happy all ... even and especially the four-legged heart that is usually the mascot that gives meaning to so many lives of humans.

Offering two days a month would be a practical solution for the benefit of all (airlines, pets and owners).


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