Acceptance of pets on means of transport, to discourage abandonment

Acceptance of pets on means of transport, to discourage abandonment

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Acceptance of pets on means of transport, to discourage abandonment

Addressed to: Parliament of the Italian Republic and 3 more

I request the compulsory acceptance of all companion animals, duly vaccinated and controlled, provided with documents in order and visas. I ask that you can, in fact, travel with the owner in the cabin. That there are no changes in the condition in eventual changes of flight and in airports, where pets have the right to maintain exit conditions, and not be transferred to the warehouse, where they sometimes die. That the airlines willing to offer a decent service, without discrimination towards pet owners, relegating them to unwanted places and without enough space. Having facilities at the departure and destination airports with the approval of the Ministry of Transport. Same deal by boat, buses and taxis.

There is a growing number of households that have a pet at home, being the company of single or elderly people. It is determined that their presence acts as therapy. It is intolerable that there are still restrictions and verbal attacks against animal keepers today, especially those who offer public services. I think it is unacceptable to receive constant humiliation for not abandoning the family animal and for wanting to safeguard their welfare and care at all costs.

This petition is addressed to those who travel frequently, to those who leave for personal reasons for a long time with their own animals and also to those who love them and understand the value of an unconditional affection and dedication. To limit the embarrassing phenomenon of abandonment, we give owners the opportunity to take them normally and create the conditions so that in the future there will be fewer animals on the road and increasingly in train and plane.

This petition is addressed to those who believe that any form of intolerance and racism against the owners is accepted. We are tired of being treated as second-class citizens and of being penalized and conditioned even in the most basic needs.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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