Accept volunteers to help this shelter in terrible conditions

Accept volunteers to help this shelter in terrible conditions

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Accept volunteers to help this shelter in terrible conditions

Addressed to: Animal Protection Society of Porto - Portugal

They do not accept volunteers in this association despite having the refuge in terrible conditions, and that many people want to help. There are more than 800 animals (according to what the official told me) treated by half a dozen people who are not even present.

For those who do not know, it is a huge warehouse with cages in which the animals are alone or in groups. Until then I accept it. The animals are wet, as were the ground and their decrepit blankets. They had in the bowls a watery mixture that I could not identify and that I did not see any animal eating it. They also had an immensely sad expression.

I saw a Saint Bernard in a cage too small for him, as well as at least one Pit Bull that had to be rehabilitated. All of them should have someone to train and care them to make it easier to integrate into families. (I already told you, but I remember again that I was denied volunteering).

Finally, I went to the babies room, with huge cat cages and a dog. This room was dark and when we left we turned the light back on. Do the animals stay there all day in the dark?

For me this site does not protect animals. Are the supports they receive so few? Is it possible to check if they use them correctly?


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