Abolish the manufacture and use of all plastics
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Mr. President Emmanuel Macron
Plastic is a derivative of oil and also the biggest polluter of the seas and the earth. Saving the seas and the entire ecosystem that accompanies it must be a struggle for everyone. Their growing production and use threaten to contaminate every corner of the planet, especially the seas, the final destination of many of them, where they seriously damage the health of aquatic ecosystems and the survival of the species that inhabit them.
We can find them on the beach, on the rocks, floating in the water and even in the deepest areas. From the Arctic to the Antarctic, in populated areas and on uninhabited islands. Every year, the seas and oceans are receptors of up to 12 million tons of garbage.
The world situation is dramatic, especially taking into account that the production of plastics will approach in 2020 to 500 million tons (900% more than in 1980). These quantities, its easy dispersion and its slow process of degradation make plastic the number one enemy of seas and oceans. Its use is a problem associated with the modes of consumption, since most are used for single-use containers.
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