Abolish the Law that allows the reclassification of burned hills for real estate ventures
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: President of the Xunta de Galicia
Galicia is and has always been the "GREEN COUNTRY" within Spain. The sanction of the Forests Law may have arisen with some good intention. But in practice it is used by serial killers to obtain reclassification of land that allows building where it is not allowed. Since the requalification is in the hands of officials and supposed guardians of the public good, which until now have not been able to prevent intentional fires from occurring. Then the most reasonable is to withdraw the mentioned Law. Give 50 years of time to nature to heal and repopulate what the fire sown by murderous hands destroyed, and that the wise hands of our compatriots who have lived for generations respecting the mother nature, can help this healing.
EARTH needs time, and people are sure that something is done to prevent greed from destroying our beloved Galicia, and any other place in Spain. It is the responsibility of the President of the Xunta de Galicia and mainly of the presidents of the two major parties to solve this problem. Enough of ambiguous laws. Defend our house, everyone’s house. It's getting late, the brown bear may have disappeared. We will know, we do not know when. But the worst is life in all its magnificence that was burned, gentlemen has burned, please do something NOW !.
I call on all personalities of public influence to echo this issue, we need them, it is now or very late.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.