A Law to Send to Prison to Anyone who Abandon, Mistreat, or Kills an Animal
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!
Addressed to: National Congress
We cannot naturalize animal abuse. We cannot allow it to become something ordinary, because today, without Laws that adequately punish this crime is nothing more than something that anyone can do knowing that will not suffer any consequences.
We need Laws to punish with prison the animal abuse, plus a fine to be paid that should go to a common fund to keep animal shelters and sterilizations campaigns.
In this way we can begin to solve several problems, abuse and murder, they would be punished by imprisonment, and abandonment, that being punished with fines that would help protect and care for stray animals, and to achieve sterilization, this will gradually decrease the number of stray animals.
I hope everyone will support this idea with their signatures, we need you as animals need us all.
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