A foundation to fight Moebius Syndrome

A foundation to fight Moebius Syndrome

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A foundation to fight Moebius Syndrome

Addressed to: National Government and 2 more

Moebius Syndrome is one of the rarest diseases, babies are born with cranial nerves 6 and 7 poorly developed which causes them facial paralysis without further adding is a life without smiles apart from the other complications it has. Very few people know about the existence of this disease so there is no foundation as in the case of down syndrome, nobody helps babies with Moebius syndrome, there is no support for the families of babies with this disease.

I do this because my little sister was born like this and I know what it is to fight with this disease! My purpose is to open a foundation to help all babies with Moebius and give support to all those mothers who fight every day.


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