99.9% bonus of the cruel Succession Tax and subsequent repeal
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: Government of Spain and 2 more
Two specific requests to the Autonomous and National politicians, the first one is obligatory and consists in rewarding 99.9% this tribute in the autonomies and its subsequent national derogation ending with the torture and the injustice that they are generating; the second is that they descend from the pedestal and approach the town, that they know the cases of injustice and suffering that they are provoking and that they dialogue with the victims, as we do every day. It is certain that, if they do, this brutal tax will soon cease to exist.
It is unfair because it promotes inequality among Spaniards, violating constitutional principles and the European Union.
Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution: Spaniards are equal before the law, without any discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal or social circumstance. But the reality is that the law is not the same for all Spaniards, some pay taxes and others do not, depending on where you are born, still governing the same party in both communities.
Article 31 All will contribute to the maintenance of public expenditures according to their economic capacity through a fair tax system inspired by the principles of equality and progressivity that, under no circumstances, will be confiscatory. The reality is very different since they apply a disproportionate tax that forces the heir to renounce his inheritance, as it happens with thousands of families that have already had to resign, and others have had to sell their goods and home to paralyze the embargoes, ruining you life, if you do not confiscate the inheritance, which is also to outrage the last wills of the deceased.
Article 33 of the Spanish Constitution
1. The right to private property and inheritance is recognized. But the state poisons the estate with an unpayable tax, and in the end they keep it, they confiscate it, "under the protection of an unjust and cruel law".
As if that were not enough, it also violates the Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Art.3- "Every person has the right to his PHYSICAL AND PSYCHIC INTEGRITY The pressure and tragedy that the foreclosures and the threatening letters from the Tax Agency pose lead to deep states of depression, suicide ideas, hypertension, despair, abandonment, labor problems and endless problems.
Art.17.- Everyone has the RIGHT TO ENJOY THE PROPERTY OF THEIR LEGALLY ACQUIRED PROPERTY, TO USE THEM, TO DISPOSE OF THEM AND TO LEGAL THEM, no one may be deprived of his property except for a cause of public utility, in the cases and conditions foreseen in the law AND IN CHANGE, IN A REASONABLE TIME OF A JUST INDEMNIFICATION FOR ITS LOSS.
It is discriminatory, with only the working class, the "rich" have the fiscal instruments and means provided by the government to evade or reduce it to the maximum.
It is useless, as it does not fulfill the purpose for which the "theoretical redistribution of wealth" was created.
It is marginal, since it only means an average of 1.3% of the non-financial resources managed by the regions.
It is confiscatory, taking away what legitimately by right belongs to you.
It is abusive, taxing once more for what has already been taxed and paid several times over a life of effort. - It is cruel, laughing at the will of your deceased who fought to give you a better life.
It is disproportionate, compared to the rest of the taxes, taking advantage of the strong emotional burden that the goods on which it falls.
It is corrupt, in its calculation base inflating the coefficients to ensure the "bite".
It is heartless, because it does not take into account the real situation of the heir, demanding a payment in advance to release some goods legitimately his.
It is ruthless, by not accepting the subsequent resignation, the dation in payment, or the fragmentation of the inheritance.
It is contrary to the family, since the family unit as a whole assumes and suffers the sacrifices to create the legacy that is afterwards ruthlessly taken from him.
It is inhuman, plunging the family into the most absolute helplessness and ruin before the disproportionate abuse of power of the public administration whose duty should be to defend the common good and seek at all times the happiness of the administered.
It is unworthy, depriving you of your past, stealing the present and mortgaging the future of your family. - It is a direct attack on saving, and therefore on investment, which translates into loss of employment and wealth.
It is devastating encouraging the flight of companies and capitals, thus impoverishing our land, Andalusia being already at the threshold of 35.4% poverty, thirteen points above the national average.
It is anti social, With the disinvestment unemployment also grows, with Andalusia close to 30%, the largest in Spain.
It is despotic causing the families to give up when they can not dispose of the property or access the credit to liquidate the tax. Since 2007 year of the beginning of the crisis, According to data from the official notary public school the number of resignations increased by 420%, closing 2016 in 13.1% more than 20 daily.
It is an institutional banditry, robbing the poor to give it to the rich, seizing the working class goods that are sold to those who really have capital left over for their purchase.
It is usurer, because once your assets are auctioned for a value much lower than the one claimed, you still owe the differential to the Board, which also applies economic sanctions and disproportionate interests.
It is immoral, a tribute denostado and marked as unjust in its application by the defender of the Andalusian and National people, the constitutional court, Supreme Court and even the European Court itself.
It is a contempt of the political class to the precepts of our constitution, created for and by the defense equality and welfare of all Spaniards.
It is a continuous deception to the people by selfish political egotists who betray their electoral programs with total impudence and impunity for their own benefit.
It is a rogue abuse of power, Mrs. Susana Diaz and her government partners from their political arrogance consent all the above by turning their backs on the people they claim to represent, squander public funds trying to hide the bleeding reality, while protecting and promoting this unquestionable social drama, ignoring popular clamor and appeals from all sectors and groups of our land to end so much injustice and sterile suffering.
Finally all the sweat, work, effort and hope of those who just wanted to bequeath us a better future only serves to pay for mismanagement, corruption, nonsense, cronyism and perpetuation of a clientelist regime, a miseracracy pointed out by the European Union as the most corrupt country, which has the added embarrassment of beating all indicators of poverty, unemployment and ignorance.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.