We love you Picasso !
people signed. Let's get to 500!

Addressed to: Picasso Museum in Barcelona
Citizens of the wonderful Barcelona!
We, citizens of Kemerovo (is a Russian city in Siberia, with 500 thousand inhabitants), never had the opportunity to see in our museum the paintings of the impressive painter Pablo Picasso. Today we read that 46 years ago Pablo Picasso gave to your museum 800 of his paintings.
Kemerovo is at a distance of 7261.2 km to Barcelona. So many people can not see these pictures!
Wonderful Picasso Museum in Barcelona, can we, people very hungry art, expect the museum to make a generous act, which can be compared with the generosity of Pablo Picasso and give one of the paintings of this famous painter Museum art Kemerovo.
With much love and hope.
Kemerovo citizens.
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