Those who castrated the dog in Roldanillo must go to prison!
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Addressed to: Attorney General of the Nation - Roldanillo and 1 more
Is it not fair that these bad people have made such an atrocity to a helpless dog, as it is possible that they tie him to a tree and they begin to castrate themselves, enjoying the pain that they provoked to him.
In the video that they uploaded to Facebook of one of them you can see this pup of creole race being tied to a tree with a bow. Then a lady and several others, with knife in hand, proceeded to amputate the testicles to the puppy without any anesthesia or hygienic care. The screams of pain were very loud.
Not only they castrate the puppy, which in fact they did was torture and cut him, but they boasted of it on Facebook. This act does not have to be invisible before the eyes of the law!
I want the National Police and the Prosecutor's Office to bring these subjects before Justice for what they did to this little dog. We can not continue to allow these vandalistic acts against animals.
Please help me get these guys to prison!
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