They are considered Companion Animals, So Apply Penalties and No Fines, Now!
people signed. Let's get to 100,000!

Addressed to: General Courts
To Whom It May Concern:
It is very important, because who hurt an animal, might dares also with a person, and if we allow that, we are feeding monsters!
Firm hand! a Law not to make money, but to end the abuse at any level, because as any other type of abuse should be punished, because although they have no voice, they have heart! It is a living being and to our Law they should be like us, are not just pets!
We are witnessing almost daily what some social misfits do to the animals, and from the state still allow them to do so, thanks to soft Laws only punish with fines. Gentlemen, we need these people to pay for their crimes with prison and also pay fines for the money is used to recover and help abused animals.
And if not, a tattoo on the forehead with the words "Animal Abuser!", That it is cheaper to the State!
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