That the hunters are obliged to give account of the veterinary care of their dogs and treatment in time of hunting ban
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Seprona and 1 more
Because it is too frequent to see hunting dogs killed. They are shot dead, hung from a tree, kicked to death, abandoned to their fate, or end up starving to death because they are abandoned.
Many of them are not vaccinated, chipped, or forgotten in a kennel at temperatures of 35 ° C in summer or -10 ° C in winter, tied with a 1.5 m rope, unable to move, without human treatment, with minimal food.
I ask because I have seen all that I have referred to, and I know of kennels that are allowed, even under these conditions. He has no inspections, no one to control them.
Please, I ask that the government commits to carry out all the controls so that these animals that they use for the hunting, are not mistreated and assassinated of these terrible manners.
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