Save the animals from the Zoos in Venezuela, they are starving to death
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: World Wildlife Found
Due to the severe economic crisis currently plaguing Venezuela because of the corrupt "Socialist" government, the animals of the major Zoos in the country are massive dying for lack of food.
Dantas, lions, jaguars, and hundreds of other animals are in danger of death and there are no organizations that protect them for lack of funds and private initiatives, since the whole country is affected by this situation.
It is difficult for citizens to get food, just imagine how it will be for these institutions, which are all government-run, get veterinary inputs and food for all animals.
Inefficiency, mediocrity and corruption make funds for the operation of Zoos disappear.
Rescue the animals, they are in danger of death, we cannot allow this massive killing of animals.
(Photo: REUTERS)
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