Revoke of the Law 5346 that allows, by different means, the death of dogs and cats
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Addressed to: Cabinet Chief Mr Horacio Rodríguez Larreta
To urgently request the following:
A) Under a misleading wording, it has passed a law that instead of banning euthanasia in the city under his administration, allows the vast death of dogs and cats always they do not tell that this is for population control.
B) It is unconstitutional. The Constitution of the City of Buenos Aires in art. 27. Inc 5 requires the protection of urban wildlife and respect for his life. Control your health, prevents cruelty and ethical controls reproduction methods.
C) Further evidence of the character of the euthanasia law from which no derogation is requested is that the City can deliver ownerless dogs and cats for research and teaching what it is known that carries the suffering and death of these animals.
D) The term responsible ownership includes owners Registry, mandatory carcinogen microchip, persecution penalties for breach of the law or whether it is the DOG TAX what this law covers.
2) Also sought to the head of the government and the head of cabinet to order a thorough, serious and very urgent investigation into the activities developed by the Institute Pasteur and if any violation of laws arises like, irregularities in the vaccine production, commissioning health risk to the population of the City of Buenos Aires or other causes, we ask for the INTERVENTION of the Institute.
Among others, it is requested to know:
a) If the Pasteur Institute violates the national criminal law 14346 of animal abuse.
b) If rabies vaccines for animals and humans produced at the Pasteur Institute are approved by the respective control authorities. If they are not, determine the cause of the lack of approval, if vaccines meet the requirements of aseptic manufacturing and creation of antibodies required to produce immunity.
c) The production of the vaccines on verifiable numbers during the last 10 years, amounts allocated to vaccinate and protect the population of the City of rabies and zoonosis and if part of it is sold privately by this Institute. If so, who were the buyers in the last 10 years, values, revenues and use of proceeds in addition to quantities sold.
The undersigned, by rejecting tax and the clandestine killing of animals without owners, are supporting the same list that was already presented by the lawyer in the City Legislature on 15 -10 -2015.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.