Respect the Law 700 of Defense of Animals
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Central Government of Bolivia
Since Law 700 was passed in defense of animals as of June 1, 2015, because of the cruel murder of a dog, who died by stoning at the hands of its owner for having eaten the pot, it emerged a march never seen before for the approval of this Law and the corresponding penalties, where it provides up to five years in prison for cruel murder of an animal.
However, more animals like dogs, cats and wild animals have been killed in the most cruel and bloody ways, as is the last case in the month of October, the dogs were killed violently in the pound of the department of Santa Cruz.
The animalistic "Animal Life" showed pictures and images of the terrifying death that gave the dogs the people in charge of the kennel, also they found in that in place an artifact made with a large stones and ropes, which was used to end the life of the dogs when they were alone in observation.
We ask you to collaborate with you signatures to seek justice for all these dead dogs in Santa Cruz. The officials were only deposed, but we ask for prison for this ruthless murderers. We want the Government to enforce the Law 700 and sent this people to prison for murder and other crimes against animals.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.