Punish the animal murderers and abusers
people signed. Let's get to 100,000!

Addressed to: Government of the Republic of Uruguay and 1 more
Campaign against animal abuse and penalize murder and abuse now! Do not keep letting mistreat animals. Share on your Facebook walls, make a massive campaign.
Politicians, we want and demand that the murder and abuse of an animal must be punishable by Law. What do you expect?
And the judges who refused to give in adoption this animals and it's their fault that this is the end we have with this poor animals. They end up being murdered by unscrupulous people that do not absolutely care about the life of another being, because it was a dog today and tomorrow may be a person.
Judges must not only know the Law, they also apply it responsibly and humanity, with respect and dignity to life, that is what we all want.
In the picture it looks like this person not only let them to starve but he him also hanged them. That's Uruguay, there are the current and future criminals, torturers and rapists of our society.
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