Protect the nature and the defenseless animals increasing the penalties
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more
My request is destined to the state and politicians. The politicians could do more than anyone else, get tougher to protect nature and the poor defenseless animals who unfortunately always take the worst part for no reason, because they have never done or hurt anyone and I checked with the 64 years that I have.
People are the worst creatures on the planet because they are the ones who are destroying nature and the living beings on this planet.
My opinion is that they should put fines, not small, but from 500 € by the fact that it is (500 € by default; € 1,000 for both psychological animal abuse and physical of its owner, or any person to another animal without that is yours; € 1,500 for killing him end his life without cause just for fun plus one week in jail on bread and water as was previously frank and without receiving visits.
I think it would chasten all these people who live in this life embittered and discharge their anger with the only ones who cannot defend themselves, the poor animals.
And for the nature (dumping at sea, fires, tree branches boot thing I've seen, pour garbage etc.). And I leave it to your choice, but must also fining well because our country is the dirtiest that exists.
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