Prohibit snares and traps for animals
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 2 more
The poor animals already have enough pain, suffering and the few ones who have a bit of freedom find in their path these devices of pain, suffering and dying, that in the XXI century it should already be part of our past.
Hunting with traps is illegal in our country and throughout Europe, because is a non selective hunting method that can kill any kind of animal, even they are a danger to people, such as children. But it seems that in some areas of Spain many people doesn't concern about the welfare of animals and other human beings and still used to kill animals indiscriminately.
Exemplary punishment for this rabble and fines that really hurt their pockets. Well sure they take away the desire to do these barbarities.
They sow the fields with snares and traps intended to catch a rabbit, but ends up falling any animal regardless of whether is their neighbor´s dog is a or an endangered Iberian lynx. These people deserve fines and jail.
Animals should be free beings, loved and protected by all of us, so remove this things!!!
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