Please, prohibit blood drive

Please, prohibit blood drive

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Please, prohibit blood drive

Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies of the Nation and 1 more

Because the horses are very mistreated and abused by their owners. They make them work by pulling overloaded carts, carrying more weight than can be borne by a single animal.

Many have died on the road because they did not resist pulling the excess weight off the carts, nor the amount of hours they have to work under the most terrible weather, high temperatures, rain, sun, cold winter and the danger that is to circulate in the street, surrounded by vehicles that could kill them in an accident.

There is no right to so much abuse and mistreatment, blood drive should be banned, please !! It is not fair to mistreat them that way, let us be a little more human !!


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