No More Dogfighting, Cockfighting, Jaripeos Where the Bulls Kill Horses

No More Dogfighting, Cockfighting, Jaripeos Where the Bulls Kill Horses

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

No More Dogfighting, Cockfighting, Jaripeos Where the Bulls Kill Horses

Addressed to: President of Mexico

No more indifference to pain, suffering and humiliation of animals.

From the head that rules a country, if they do not protect wildlife, you cannot call yourself a good person. The animals inhabit the same planet ark call Earth, have the same rights to space and to live well in.

That's why we cannot continue to allow animal abuse is not punished, cannot be allowed to continue doing dogfights, cockfighting, the rodeos in which many horses end up dead, and nobody does anything.

We need a Law against animal abuse in the country, to prohibit and punish by jail all kinds of animal abuse, and for those who organize animal fights. We must also ban all show in which animals are mistreated.

They need us!


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Reasons for signing

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