Let's stop this atrocity!
people signed. Let's get to 100,000!

Addressed to: Market of the Bridge of San Bernabé and 1 more
While their macabre journey lasts for a long and suffering death, these horses and donkeys are kept alive as much as possible in unacceptable conditions.
The San Bernabé Bridge market is located at kilometer 22.5 of the Toluca-Atlacomulco highway, in the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico.
It is a market where on Mondays the purchase is made of animals called scrap when they have finished their useful life. They arrive in bad conditions, people who buy them in different populations bringing them to full sun, sometimes without water and without food. Fractured animals, dying, old, healthy, offspring, pregnant females, none are saved from mistreatment. The bad practices in this market have led to several Animal Rights Protecting Associations to demand that the authority (SAGARPA) comply with the Law.
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