Kennels, no more state crimes with my taxes
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Mariano Rajoy and 2 more
Just look on the Internet with the text "Spanish kennels" to discover one of the most terrible of our shame.
In most of these the "EUTHANASIA" of the animals that access there is practiced. Gentlemen, I must express my rejection of your euphemistic term. According to the RAE, Euthanasia is the act or omission that to avoid suffering to the patients who are evicted, accelerates their death; and according to the same source and in medical terms, death without physical suffering. And exactly that is what I understand, you are practicing the MURDER of hundreds of living beings, who do not even bother to calcinate. In my community, that of Madrid, the hundreds of corpses are put in bags and they retire to landfill without more, a brutal defamation.
State kennels almost always attended by officials who are unhappy with their work and who increase the suffering of animals that are already suffering and suffering from the streets. And concessions to private entities whose designation sounds terrifying; in Andalusia a company of WASTE TRANSPORT is responsible for transporting live animals to a certain death, after suffering, much suffering in their kennels (A LIVING BEING IS NOT A RESIDUE). In Castilla – La Mancha is intended to award the management of municipal kennels to a DISRATIZERcompany (MAYBE TO ENSURE THAT THE ARE KILLED?).
Gentlemen of the Government, enter the Internet or better still, visit their own establishments without previous warning. It is frightening, it is a public administration that is committing a crime typified in the penal code on protection of pets, are transgressing their own laws, and from within.
Leave the management of these enclosures to animal protection entities, clear the hands of so much vile murder. A dog, a cat, are as animallike as you or me, but with another form; with guts and bones, like you or me. Their management makes them accomplices.
I want, like many Spaniards who also want to, that the money of my taxes (that you get yes or yes from my work and personal effort), is not used for any institutional crime. In addition, I am sure that will be beneficial to the public coffers, because all of them are organizations without profit.
I do not belong to any of them, I only try to palliate with small private donations, which my economy allows, the damage you are causing with the money of my taxes. I only intend to alleviate the unnecessary damage and torture of thousands of animals passing from an unfortunate existence on the streets to a more cruel and terrible existence in their enclosures, which always ends with an agonizing and painful death.
Wash your hands, cleanse my grief and my conscience, I can not prevent them from doing what they do with my taxes, what impotence!
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