Jail for 10 years for anyone who kill an animal
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Congress of the United States of America
Because they are living beings who have no voice and only have us to punish those bad people who abuse them. We must put a stop to so much madness unleashed against animals, that is why I ask that the Laws be modified and that any person who kills an animal receives a penalty of 10 years in prison. For those abusers I just want an exemplary punishment, that kind of people have to behave in some way.
The punishment always has to come from the Justice, when someone knows that a crime does not condemn it, does not care to carry it out, and as long as the people who kill animals do not receive penalties according to the crime, we will continue to suffer these events.
Please, 10 years' imprisonment for anyone who kills an animal.
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